The project “Mathematical and computational aspects of potential field modelling of finite distributions” is funded under the program “Bilateral Relations Fund of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants)” between Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and University of Agder, Norway.
The main goal is to promote a productive exchange and collaboration between the “Physics and Applied Mathematics Group” of the “University of Agder” and the research group of Professor Dimitrios Tsoulis of the “Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki”.
The central objective is the modelling of dynamic gravity fields induced by finite mass distributions. Special emphasis is given on three-dimensional distributions, for which their geometric shape as well as their density is known.
In the context of this program, a total of 4 visits are planned, 2 in Thessaloniki and 2 in Agder. A number of workshops will be organized during those visits, in order to promote the activities of the specific action. The two research groups will collaborate on preparing 1 joint review paper focusing on the multi-disciplinary aspects of potential field modelling.