To change the background click on the label bar and in the layer window select the style tab.
Choose a source from the background top tab then upload an image or pick a background color.
To change the background click on the label bar and in the layer window select the style tab.
Choose a source from the background top tab then upload an image or pick a background color.
To add a layer, click the green plus button in the left sidebar and select the type of layer.
Select any layer and you can edit its content and style properties in the layer window.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent condimentum, justo non pretium aliquet, neque dui auctor velit, a sollicitudin urna diam in augue. Sed et neque sed metus ultricies commodo sit amet non metus. Proin sed interdum diam. Maecenas mattis, eros ac lacinia efficitur, eros nulla consequat felis, sit amet dignissim turpis magna a dui. Nam vel purus sit amet felis sollicitudin efficitur sed in urna. Phasellus sed efficitur augue. Pellentesque diam nisl, interdum pulvinar convallis a, volutpat vel nisi. Mauris euismod sem a est sagittis, et ornare tellus vulputate.
Nullam dictum bibendum mollis. Etiam malesuada tortor metus, et facilisis libero lacinia id. Duis eros elit, auctor non tristique a, ullamcorper in orci. Mauris erat magna, laoreet at augue ut, mattis hendrerit mi. Donec ut leo nec leo pharetra rutrum. Suspendisse vitae pharetra urna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse scelerisque dui sit amet elit eleifend, sed varius neque sollicitudin. Aliquam blandit scelerisque tempus. Integer laoreet ipsum quis neque efficitur porta. Integer eros massa, ultrices id efficitur a, tempus eu nunc.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2024 Department/School AUTH