
The Master’s Program is structured into three semesters.

  • In the first semester, three courses are offered.
  • In the second semester, three courses are offered.

Students are required to complete six (6) courses by the end of their studies. Each course is worth 10 ECTS, with each semester totaling 30 ECTS and both semesters together totaling 60 ECTS.

In the third semester, students undertake a Master’s thesis. After successfully completing all courses in the first two semesters, students proceed to the third semester to work on their thesis. Successful defense of the thesis adds 30 ECTS.

The official language of instruction for the program is Greek, and the language for writing the thesis can be either Greek or English.

First  Semester (Total ECTS 30)

No.Course TitleCourseType (Req./Elect.)Teaching Hours
(per week)
1States and Interstate Relations: Greece, Balkans, TurkeyRequired310 
2War, State, and EconomyRequired310 
3The Emergence of the Modern Greek StateRequired310 

Second Semester (Total ECTS 30)

No.Course TitleCourse Type (Req./Elect.)Teaching Hours
(per week)
1Exclusions and Discriminations in Modern StatesRequired310 
2History of Political IdeologiesRequired310 
3Politics and Religion in ModernityRequired310 

Third Semester (Total ECTS 30)

No.Course TitleCourse TypeTeaching HoursECTS 
1Master’s ThesisRequired30 

The start and end dates of the courses, as well as the duration of the examination periods, are determined by the academic calendar or by a decision of the Department Assembly.

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