Studies – Degrees:
- Graduate of the School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.): 1997
- Postgraduate specialization in Paediatric Dentistry from the Leeds Dental Institute, UK: 2001
- Doctoral degree from the Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.): 2013
Academic Career:
- University Fellow: 2014
- Appointment as Assistant Professor: 2018
- Appointment as Tenured Assistant Professor: 2022
Membership in Scientific Societies:
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Preventive Dentistry
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Paediatric Dentistry
- Active member of the Society of Stomatology of Northern Greece
- Active member of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
- Active member of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
- Greek Councilor of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
Research Activities – Projects:
- Dental Trauma
- Evaluation of Dental Fear
- Local Anesthesia in Paediatric Dentistry
Selected Publications in International Journals:
- Arapostathis K, Arhakis A, Kalfas S.A modified technique on the reattachment of permanent tooth fragments following dental trauma. Case report. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2005;30(1):29-34.
- Kotsanos N, Arhakis A, Coolidge T. Parental presence versus absence in the dental operatory: a technique to manage the uncooperative child dental patient. Εur J Paediatr Dent. 2005;6(3):144-8.
- Topouzelis N, Kotsiomiti E, Arhakis A. An alternative impression technique for individuals with special care needs. Spec Care Dentist. 2010;30(6):266-70.
- Arhakis A, Topouzelis N, Kotsiomiti E, Kotsanos N. Effective treatment of self-injurious oral trauma in Lesch–Nyhan syndrome: a case report. Dent Traumatol. 2010;26(6):496-500.
- Lazaridou D, Arhakis A, Lazaridou M, Kotsanos N, Antoniadis K. Trauma, solitary bone cyst and delayed eruption of permanent mandibular incisors, an unusual case in a 7-year-old patient. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2011;12(5):275-7.
- Arhakis A, Menexes G, Coolidge T, Kalfas S. Heart rate, salivary α-amylase activity, and cooperative behavior in previously naïve children receiving dental local anesthesia. Pediatr Dent. 2012;34(7):e225-30.
- Kana A, Markou L, Arhakis A, Kotsanos N. Natal and neonatal teeth: a systematic review of prevalence and management. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2013;14(1):27-32.
- Kotsanos N, Arapostathis K, Arhakis A, Menexes G. Direct Pulp Capping of Carious Primary Molars. A Specialty Practice Based Study. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2014;38(4): 307-312.
- Paschalidou Μ, Dermata A, Arhakis A Neurofibromatosis type II dental management, case report, and review of the literature Special Care Dentistry 2018;38: 328-333
- Ntaoutidou S, Arhakis A, Tolidis K, Kotsanos N. Clinical evaluation of a surface pre-reacted glass (S-PRG) filler containing dental sealant placed with a self-etching primer/adhesive. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2018;19:431-437
- Mourouzis P, Arhakis A, Tolidis K. Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing Crown on Primary Molars: An Innovative Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2019;12:76-79
- Alifakioti E, Arhakis A, Oikonomidis S, Kotsanos N. Structural and chemical enamel characteristics of hypomineralised second primary molars. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2021;22:361-366
- Vlachou C, Arhakis A, Kotsanos N. Distribution and morphology of enamel hypomineralisation defects in second primary molars. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2021;22:241-246.
- Theocharidou A, Arhakis A, Kotsanos N, Arapostathis K. Jet or conventional local anaesthesia? A randomized controlled split mouth study Clin Oral Investig. 2021 Dec;25(12):6813-6819.
- Roussou K, Nikolaidis AK, Ziouti F, Arhakis A, Arapostathis K, Koulaouzidou EA. Cytotoxic Evaluation and Determination of Organic and Inorganic Eluates from Restorative Materials. Molecules. 2021 Aug 13;26(16):4912.
Selected Publications in Greek Journals:
- Αρχάκης Α, Μπόκα Β, Κοτσάνος Ν. Η παρουσία του γονέα στο ιατρείο και η αξιοποίησή της στην Παιδοδοντιατρική. Παιδοδοντία. 2005;19(4):166-173.
- Αρχάκης Α, Δαμιανάκη Σ, Αραποστάθης Κ, Κοτσάνος Ν. Η χρήση του ελαστικού απομονωτήρα στην Παιδοδοντιατρική. Παιδοδοντία. 2006;20(4):113-123.
- Δαλαμπίρας Σ, Ηλιόπουλος Χ, Δαμιανάκη Σ, Αρχάκης Α. Η χειρουργική διαχείριση του έγκλειστου κυνόδοντα της άνω γνάθου. Στόμα 2007;35:143-149.
- Σταυριανός Χ, Τσιάντου Δ, Αρχάκης Α. Το πρόβλημα της κακομεταχείρησης των ανηλίκων: ο ρόλος των οδοντιάτρων. Στόμα 2008;37:85-97.
- Αρχάκης Α, Αβραμίδου Φ, Τσιάντου Δ. Οδοντικό τραύμα στα νεογιλά δόντια. Στόμα 2008;36:321-337.
- Λαζαρίδου Δ, Αρχάκης Α, Κοτσάνος Ν. Υπενασβεστίωση γομφίων – τομέων. Αιτιοπαθογένεια, κλινική εικόνα, διάγνωση και αντιμετώπιση. Στόμα 2009;37: 169 – 178.
- Τσιάντου Δ, Αρχάκης Α, Κοτσάνος Ν. Υλικά πολφοτομής νεογιλών δοντιών. Παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον. Παιδοδοντία 2009;23(3):112-121.
- Σαπουρίδης Δ, Τσιάντου Δ, Αρχάκης Α, Κοτσάνος Ν. Ονυχοειδές Φύμα (talon cusp). Ανασκόπηση βιβλιογραφίας και παρουσίαση περιστατικού. Παιδοδοντία 2009;23(1): 32-38.
- Δερματά Α, Αρχάκης Α. Επιδράσεις του άσθματος στη στοματική υγεία των παιδιών και μέθοδοι προστασίας της. Στόμα. 2012;40:217-223.
- Δερματά Α, Μίγδη Α, Αρχάκης Α. Η κακοσμία του στόματος στα παιδιά. Στόμα. 2014;42:99-107.
- Κουτρουλή Α, Μόσχου Α, Αρχάκης Α, Παντελίδου Ο Εμφρακτικά υλικά ριζικών σωλήνων στην πολφεκτομή νεογιλών δοντιών Στόμα. 2017;45:93 -101.
- Παρίση Ξ, Δερματά Α, Αρχάκης Α Θεραπεία ζωτικού πολφού σε μόνιμα δόντια με βλάβες τερηδονικής αιτιολογίας που εγγίζουν τον πολφό. Στόμα. 2018;45-46:37-48.
- Δερματά Α, Πασχαλίδου Μ, Αρχάκης Α, Νευροϊνωμάτωση. Στοματικές εκδηλώσεις και τυφλοκώφωση Στόμα. 2018;46:85-90
- Μπαλασούλη Χ, Δαυϊδοπούλου Σ, Μαυρογιαννίδου Χ, Χαλβατζόγλου Ε, Αραποστάθης Κ, Αρχάκης Α. Ο Φθοριούχος Διαμμινοάργυρος (Silver Diammine Fluoride -SDF) στην κλινική οδοντιατρική πράξη. Στόμα. 2019;4:123-134.
Additional Information:
Aristides Arhakis graduated from the School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (DDS) in 1997. He pursued his postgraduate studies in Paediatric Dentistry at the Leeds Dental Institute, UK (MDentSci) from 1999 to 2001. He worked as a Community Dental Officer specializing in Paediatric Dentistry at a Public Dental Centre in Bradford, UK (2001-2002). He received his PhD from the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Implant Biology of the Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2013. He was a University Fellow at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry from 2014 to 2018 and has been serving as an Assistant Professor in the Dental School since 2018. He has authored or co-authored 40 publications in international scientific journals, receiving 470 citations, and at least 25 publications in Greek scientific journals. He is the author of the book “Paediatric Dentistry. Laboratory Guide” (in Greek) published in 2015 by Kallipos Publishing House and has authored five chapters in the book “Paediatric Dentistry” (in Greek) published in 2019 by Fylatos Publishing House. He has authored four chapters in the book “Paediatric Dentistry” (Kotsanos N. Sarnat H, Park K) published in 2022 by Springer Nature. He has served as a reviewer for more than 20 international scientific journals. He has participated in the supervision of 2 doctoral theses and 8 postgraduate theses, four of which won awards for best presentation at international paediatric dentistry conferences. He serves as a Councillor of the EAPD and the IAPD and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Preventive Dentistry and the Hellenic Society of Paediatric Dentistry. He has made over 150 presentations at Greek and international conferences on topics such as dental trauma, saliva, dental fear, and the evaluation of dental fear through saliva.