Studies – Degrees:

  • Degree in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Dental Degree, 1982-1989)
  • Postgraduate studies in Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1988 – 1991)
  • Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, USA (July 1992 – July 1994)
  • Doctoral Degree, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Ph.D., April 2004)
  • Postgraduate studies in the Methodology of Clinical Dental Research, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (June 27 – August 5, 2005)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Laser Dentistry, Master of Science in Laser Dentistry, University of Genoa, Italy (January 2013-November 2014)
  • Recognition of the Postgraduate Diploma Master of Science in Laser Dentistry in Greece (Hellenic NARIC, July 2015)

Academic Career:

  • From July 1994 to July 1995, I was a paid member (part-time, 12 hours per week) of the teaching staff (Assistant Clinical Professor) and a member of the Cleft and Special Needs Team at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, USA.
  • From September 1994 to June 1995, I was an unpaid member (part-time, 15-20 hours per week) of the Research Team of the Prosthodontics Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
  • From November 1995 to May 2006 (ceased operation when the Postgraduate Clinic of the Pediatric Dentistry Department was established), I participated (unpaid) with a group of colleagues in the clinical and educational operation and other activities of the Child and Special Needs Clinic of the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Implant Biology of the Dental Department of the School of Health Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  • From May 2006 until January 2014, when I was sworn in as Assistant Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, I was a Scientific Associate (unpaid, decision of the Orthodontics and Periodontology Sector: 128/29-06-2009) of the Pediatric Dentistry Department of the Dental Department of the School of Health Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In this capacity, I participated in the clinical, educational, scientific, and research activities of the above Department (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study Program).
  • In May 2010, I was elected to the position of Assistant Professor with tenure, in the field of “Pediatric Dentistry” in the Department of Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Preventive Dentistry, and Periodontology of the Dental Department of the School of Health Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In December 2013, I was appointed and in January 2018, I was tenured in the above position.

Membership in Scientific Societies:

  • Member of the Hellenic Society of Pediatric Dentistry
  • Member of the Hellenic Society of Preventive Dentistry
  • Member of the Society of Stomatology of Northern Greece
  • Member of the Alumni Association of the Dental School of A.U.Th.
  • Member of the Hellenic Society of Intraoral Laser Applications (HERSOLA)
  • Member of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
  • Member of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry

Organizational and Administrative Activities: University Structures

  • Member of the Study Program Committee of the Dental School of A.U.Th from December 2015 to present
  • Member of the Lifelong Learning-Sponsorships-Public Relations Committee of the Dental School of A.U.Th from December 2015 to present
  • Member of the Student Affairs and Student Advisor Committee of the Dental School of A.U.Th
  • Responsible for the Spring Timetable of Undergraduate Studies of the Dental School of A.U.Th

Administrative Structures of the University

  • Coordinator of the “Pediatric Dentistry” Direction of Postgraduate Studies in Dentistry of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from September 2016 to present
  • Member of the General Assembly of the Dental School of A.U.Th for the academic years 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18.

Administrative Structures of Scientific Societies

  • Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Preventive Dentistry (H.S.P.D.) from March 2000 to March 2015 in the following positions: 1. Treasurer. March 2000 – March 2006 (2 terms) 2. Vice President. March 2006 – March 2009 (1 term) 3. Public Relations Officer. March 2009 – March 2015 (2 terms)
  • Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Pediatric Dentistry. December 2006 – December 2009.
  • Responsible for the three-member committee for changing the Constitution of the Hellenic Society of Pediatric Dentistry. December 2006 – 2009.
  • Elected member of the Credentials Committee of the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. June 2008 – June 2011.

Selected Publications in International Journals:

  1. Kotsiomiti E, Arapostathis K, Kapari D, Konstantinidis A. Removable prosthodontic treatment for the primary and mixed dentition. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2000 Winter; 24(2):83-89.
  2. Sakellari D, Belibasakis G, Chadjipadelis T, Arapostathis K, Konstantinidis A. Supragingival and subgingival microbiota of adult patients with Down’s syndrome. Changes after periodontal treatment. Oral Microbiol Immunol 2001;16(6):376-382.
  3. Sakellari D, Arapostathis KN, Konstantinidis A. Periodontal Conditions and Subgingival Flora in Down syndrome patients. A case-control study. J Clin Periodontol 2005; 32(6):684-690.
  4. Arapostathis KN, Arhakis A, Kalfas S. A modified technique on the reattachment of permanent tooth fragments following dental trauma. Case report. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2005 Fall; 30(1):29-34.
  5. Kotsanos N, Kaklamanos EG, Arapostathis KN. Treatment management of first permanent molars in children with Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation. Eur J Peadiatr Dent 2005; 6(4):179-184.
  6. Arapostathis KN, Coolidge T, Emmanuil D, Kotsanos N. Reliability and Validity of the Greek version of the Children’s Fear Survey Schedule – Dental Subscale. Int J Peadiatr Dent. 2008;18(5):374-379.
  7. Coolidge T, Arapostathis KN, Emmanuil D, Dabarakis N, Patrikiou A, Economides N, Kotsanos N. Psychometric properties of Greek versions of the Modified Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) and the Dental Fear Survey (DFS). BMC Oral Health 2008 Sep30; 8:29.
  8. Kotsanos N, Coolidge T, Velonis D, Arapostathis KN. SHORT COMMUNICATION. A form of ‘parental presence/absence’ (PPA) technique for the child patient with dental behavior management problems. Eur Arch Pediatr Dent 2009; 10(2):90-92.
  9. Arapostathis KN, Dabarakis NN, Coolidge T, Tsirlis A, Kotsanos N. Comparison of acceptance, preference and efficacy between jet injection INJEX and local infiltration anesthesia in 6-11 years old dental patients. Anesthesia Progress 2010; 57(1):3-12.
  10. Tsiantou D, Lazaridou D, Coolidge T, Arapostathis KN, Kotsanos N. Psychometric properties of the Greek version of the Toronto Composite Empathy Scale in Greek dental students. European Journal of Dental Education. 2013 Nov;17(4):208-17.
  11. Boka V, Arapostathis K, Vretos N, Kotsanos N. Parental acceptance of behaviour-management techniques used in paediatric dentistry and its relation to parental dental anxiety and experience. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 2014 Oct;15(5):333-339.
  12. Kotsanos N, Arapostathis KN, Arhakis A, Menexes G. Direct pulp capping of carious primary molars. A specialty practice based study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2014 Summer;38(4):307-12.
  13. Lazaridou D, Tsiantou D, Coolidge T, Arapostathis KN, Kotsanos N. Predictors of Dental Patients’ Satisfaction in a Greek Sample. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. 2015;7(6): 470-480.
  14. Kevrekidou A, Kosma I, Arapostathis K, Kotsanos N. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization of Eight- and 14-year-old Children: Prevalence, Severity, and Defect Characteristics. Pediatric Dentistry 2015 Sep-Oct;37(5):455-61.
  15. Lefkelidou A, Poulopoulos A, Exarchou EL, Andreadis D, Arapostathis K. Clinical Presentation and Management of Peripheral Giant Cell Granulomas in Children: 2 Cases Report. Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine 2016;20(1):44-48.
  16. Kosma I, Kevrekidou A, Boka V, Arapostathis K, Kotsanos N. Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH): correlation with dental caries and dental fear. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 2016 Apr;17(2):123-9.
  17. Katsouda M, Provatenou E, Arapostathis K, Coolidge T, Kotsanos N. The Greek version of the Gagging Assessment Scale in children and adolescents: psychometric properties, prevalence of gagging, and the association between gagging and dental fear. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2016 May, DOI: 10.1111/ipd.12236.
  18. Boka V, Arapostathis K, Karagiannis V, Kotsanos N, van Loveren C, Veerkamp J. The effect of parental presence on the child’s perception and co-operation during dental treatment. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 2016; 17(6):495-495.

Selected Publications in Greek Journals:

  1. Κολοκυθά ΟΓ, Αραποστάθης Κ, Ιωαννίδου I, Τοπουζέλης N. Συγκριτική Μελέτητης εγγύς-άπω διάστασης των δοντιών και της οστικής βάσης μεταξύ φυσιολογικών και συνωστισμένων οδοντικών τόξων. Στόμα 1992,21: 29-36.
  2. Αραποστάθης ΚΝ, Χατζησταύρου Ε, Κοτσάνος Ν, Chialastri A. Η χρήση της γενικής αναισθησίας στην παιδοδοντιατρική. Πότε και Πως. ΣΤΟΜΑ 1999;27(2):97-107.
  3. Αραποστάθης Κ, Τσιπίλη Α, Κολοκυθά ΟΓ, Τοπίτσογλου Β. Ενδοστοματικός νάρθηκας – Πρόληψη οδοντικού τραύματος. Βιογραφική Ανασκόπηση και παρουσίαση 4 περιστατικών. Παιδοδοντία 2000, 14(3):151-161.
  4. Αραποστάθης ΚΝ, Κουτσούκος ΙΔ, Κολοκοτσά Α. Άμεση αντιμετώπιση καταγμάτων μύλης στην παιδική ηλικία. Στοματολογία 2000;57(2):76-84.
  5. Αραποστάθης ΚΝ, Τάτση Χ, Κοτσάνος Ν, Κολοκυθά Ο, Κουτσούκος Ι. Αγκύλωση νεογιλών δοντιών στο μικτό φραγμό. Παιδοδοντία2003;17(4):184- 192.
  6. Δαυιδοπούλου Σ, Γιάντσιου Β, Αραποστάθης ΚΝ, Νταμπαράκης Ν. Η τοπική αναισθησία στην παιδοδοντιατρική. Παιδοδοντία 2005;19(2):72-81.
  7. Αραποστάθης ΚΝ, Κάλφας Σ. Πρόληψη της μικροβιακής ενδοκαρδίτιδας σε παιδιά υπό οδοντιατρική θεραπεία. Σύγχρονες προτάσεις και προβληματισμοί. Παιδοδοντία 2006;20(4):152-157.
  8. Κουτρογιάννης Χ, Εξάρχου ΕΛ, Μπόκα Β, Αραποστάθης ΚΝ. Μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί η λεύκανση ζωντανών δοντιών σε παιδιά και εφήβους; Παιδοδοντία 2009;23(3):97-104.
  9. Αραποστάθης K, Τοπίτσογλου Β, Κάλφας Σ. Ανατροπή στις οδηγίες για πρόληψη της λοιμώδους ενδοκαρδίτιδας – Από την χημειοπροφύλαξη στην κλασική πρόληψη. Ελληνικά Στοματολογικά Χρονικά 2009;53(4):279-290.
  10. Κεβρεκίδου Α, Τασιούλα Β, Τέγου Δ, Αραποστάθης Κ. Aκτινολογική εξέταση στην παιδοδοντιατρική: ενδείξεις και εφαρμογές των ακτινογραφιών ως μέσα διάγνωσης. Παιδοδοντία 2010;24(1):25-33.
  11. Σιώκης Β, Λαζαρίδου Δ, Μπαλασούλη Χ, Αραποστάθης Κ, Κοτσάνος Ν. Σχέση αυχενικής οριακής προσαρμογής με την ανάπτυξη δευτερογενούς τερηδόνας σε εμφράξεις ΙΙης ομάδας από υαλοϊνομερή κονία τροποποιημένη με ρητίνη σε νεογιλούς γομφίους. Παιδοδοντία 2014; 28(3):119-124.
  12. Πασχαλίδου Μ, Προβατένου Ε, Δημητράκη Δ, Αραποστάθης Κ. Διαχείριση συμπεριφοράς στο οδοντιατρείο σε παιδιά και εφήβους με σύνδρομο Down:παρουσίαση περιστατικού και ανασκόπηση. Παιδοδοντία 2015;29(2):53-64.
  13. Νταουτίδου Σ, Δερματά Α, Δημητράκη Δ, Αραποστάθης Κ. Οδοντική σύντηξη και οδοντική διδυμία στο νεογιλό φραγμό. Παιδοδοντία 2016;30(2):67-75.
  14. Δερματά Α, Αραποστάθης Κ. Ο βρυγμός στα παιδιά. Βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση. Παιδοδοντία 2016;30(3): 103-110.
  15. Κολεβέντη Α, Βογινδρούκας Ι, Παπαρίζος Κ, Αραποστάθης Κ. «Πηγαίνω στον οδοντίατρο» – Δημιουργία ενημερωτικού εγχειριδίου για την οδοντιατρική φροντίδα ατόμων στο φάσμα του αυτισμού. Παιδοδοντία 2017;31 (3): 87-94


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