Born in 1983 in Athens, she graduated from the Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.) in 2007. In 2011, she completed a three-year postgraduate training program in Pediatric Dentistry at A.U.Th., earning her Postgraduate Degree with an “Excellent” grade. Since then, she has been running a private pediatric dentistry practice in Thessaloniki and has worked as a scientific associate in the Pediatric Dentistry Laboratory of A.U.Th, in the clinical training of postgraduate students. She has completed and received Certification in Training programs from KE.BI.DI.M. of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the fields of “Health Coaching for Health Professionals” (2021) and “Effective Communication in the Health Professional-Patient Relationship” (2022). She has publications in Greek and international journals and an active presence in conferences with announcements and presentations.


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