Quality Policy of the School

Quality Policy of the Department of Dentistry of AUTh

The Department of Dentistry aims for continuous improvement in the quality of its educational, research, and administrative activities, as well as the quality of its study programs.

The quality policy of the Department aligns with the quality policy of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) while simultaneously undergoing the development of a comprehensive strategic plan that will further define and specify it. The main quality objectives are summarized as follows:

  1. Providing high-quality education
  2. Improving student performance
  3. Developing high-level research and connecting it with study programs
  4. Enhancing outward orientation and internationalization
  5. Continuous improvement of the Department’s infrastructure, operations, and services

The quality policy of the Department elaborates on its strategic goals and aims to achieve the following quality objectives, which pertain to the overall functioning of the Department and specifically the organization and operation of the Undergraduate Study Program (USP):

A1. Modernization and certification of the study program A2. Improvement of the educational process A3. Alumni satisfaction and support for professional careers A4. Quantitative and qualitative adequacy of teaching staff

B1. Improvement of student performance in courses B2. Reduction of the duration of studies

C1. Increase in high-quality published research C2. Increase in research funding C3. Integration of research with undergraduate education

D1. Promotion of outward orientation in education and research D2. Enhancement of the international profile of the Department and the USP

E1. Improvement of the learning environment and daily operation E2. Availability of up-to-date and reliable information

The Internal Quality Assurance Team (IQAT) of the Department, in collaboration with the AUTh Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP-AUTh), designs and recommends appropriate actions and methods to achieve the above quality objectives.

The implementation of the quality policy and the achievement of quality objectives, in a manner that supports the academic identity and orientation of the Department and the USP, are commitments of the Department made possible thanks to the high level of its personnel and the active participation of students in its activities.

B2. Quality Policy of the Department of Dentistry

The Department encourages the certification of individual units with international quality assurance standards. Certified units implement, in addition to the Department’s quality policy, the quality policy prescribed by the respective certification standards.







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