Quality Policy
- Continuous improvement of quality in education and research
- Continuous improvement of the quality of processes and services at AUTH
- Continuous improvement of working conditions and quality of life at AUTH
- Transparency at all levels
- Promotion of the institution’s work in society, the state, and the international scientific community
Quality policy is implemented through:
- Commitment to compliance with the legal and regulatory framework of the institution
- Establishment, review, redesign, and redefinition of quality assurance goals that fully align with the institution’s strategy
This policy primarily supports:
- The organization of the internal quality assurance system
- The assumption of responsibilities by the leadership of the institution, departments, and other functional units, as well as the members of the staff and students, regarding quality assurance
- Preservation of academic principles, ethics, prevention of discrimination, and encouragement of external involvement in quality assurance
- Continuous improvement of learning and teaching, research, and innovation
- Quality assurance of study programs and their compliance with the ADIP (Internal Quality Assurance System) standard
- Effective organization of services and the development and maintenance of infrastructure
- Allocation and efficient management of the necessary resources for the institution’s operation
- Development and rational distribution of human resources.