
A programme for the next generation of Life Scientists

Last update 14.09.2024


The MSc in Applied Bioinformatics (AppBio) is an inter-institutional postgraduate programme between the
School of Biology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the School of Science and Technology of the International Hellenic University.

The programme is designed to
deliver cutting-edge post-graduate level theoretical and practical training in acquisition, handling, statistical analysis, and interpretation of big data in biology. The courses combine lectures with hands-on computer and laboratory exercises that address real-world biological problems.
Instructors are accomplished academics and professionals that may supervise selected MSc theses.
The students will acquire advanced programming skills and modern biological and mathematical knowledge
to develop personalized pipelines for the analysis of a wide range of biological data types that include molecular (e.g., genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics), functional (e.g., gene ontologies, molecular pathways), evolutionary (e.g., population genomics, comparative genomics), biomedical (e.g., drug targets), ecological (e.g., metagenomics), and other data (e.g., data mining in biological databases, biotechnology applications).
The MSc is taught exclusively in English.
Graduates will demonstrate a solid and broad foundation of diverse set of state-of-the-art skills in bioinformatics that is highly valued in the academic, public, and private sectors.

Application submission documents and info

The programme is open for application submissions. For queries, email: (Assist. Prof. Ilias Kappas) or (Assist. Prof. Spiros Papakostas). Priority will be kept.