Postgraduate Studies Program


The Program

The School of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) established and operated, starting from the academic year 2015-2016, a Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) entitled: “Environmental Architectural Design”.

The Program was re-established in the academic year 2019-2020 under the title: “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design” , and from the academic year 2024-2025, it is reorganized and operated in accordance with the current provisions of Law 4957/2022 and in alignment with the Regulation of Postgraduate Studies of AUTh.

The objective of the PSP is to study, research, and deepen at a postgraduate level in environmental architectural and urban design, which is essential for the national, developmental, educational, and research needs of the country.

The aim of the PSP is to cultivate and promote scientific knowledge and research in the specific field of environmental design.


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The Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) in “Environmental Architecture and Urban Desig” is structured in three (3) semesters of a total number of credits (ECTS) of 90.

In the first semester, postgraduate students attend two (2) compulsory theoretical courses and two (2) compulsory design studios (30 ECTS).

In the second semester, postgraduate students attend two (2) compulsory theoretical courses and two (2) compulsory design studios (30 ECTS).

In the third semester, postgraduate students either attend one (1) compulsory supportive course on research methods and scientific essays writing, or participate in one (1) compulsory intensive workshop/seminar on environmental design, or engage in one (1) compulsory educational trip domestically or internationally with a report submission (5 ECTS), and they undertake a mandatory postgraduate design thesis, which includes a theoretical-research part and a design-synthetic part (25 ECTS).

The four (4) theoretical courses are organized into two (2) axes-thematic areas:

  • General concepts related to the environment. Diagnosis of the environmental dimension at all scales of architecture and its integration into design.
  • Technology of environmental design.

The four (4) design studios cover both scales of design:

  • Architectural-building scale.
  • Urban design-urban planning scale.

The postgraduate design thesis includes:

  • Theoretical-research part with scientific comprehension and research.
  • Design diploma thesis.

The Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) awards a Degree of Postgraduate Studies (DPS) entitled: “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design.”


Successful completion of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) leads to level seven (7) qualifications within the National and European Qualifications Framework, as per Article 47 of Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette A’ 254).

The learning outcomes and qualifications of those who successfully complete the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) are as follows:

  • acquisition of knowledge and development of skills in environmental control and design of buildings, open spaces, residential units, and cities, focusing on the environmental dimension of architectural composition, with the aim of creating sustainable and resilient environments that enhance the well-being of both people and nature,
  • learning assessment methods for the environmental performance of building envelopes and outdoor spaces using computational tools and evaluating energy efficiency and comfort conditions.
  • familiarization with the concepts of ecological, climatic, geographical, social, and cultural parameters of the environment.

The postgraduate studies in the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) aim to promote knowledge, foster research and arts development, and satisfy the educational, research, social, cultural, and developmental needs of the country. They aim to train high-level scientists capable of contributing to theoretical and applied areas in the field of Environmental Architecture and Urban Design, as well as in the production and dissemination of knowledge, technology, methodologies, tools, and research findings within the respective scientific domain.

In the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) in “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design”, holders of first-cycle degrees from domestic and foreign Higher Education Institutions are accepted, and in particular:

  • Holders of first-cycle degrees from domestic Higher Education Institutions (Universities and Technical Educational Institutions – TEIs), especially graduates of the School of Architecture, other Departments within Faculties of Engineering, and graduates of relevant academic Departments. Applications from graduates of other Departments are accepted provided that candidates have relevant professional or research experience.
  • Holders of first-cycle degrees from recognized foreign Institutions of the same field.

Final-year students are also eligible to apply, provided they obtain their diploma or degree before the start of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) courses. The same eligibility criteria apply to graduating students as for graduates described above.

The number of entrants per study cycle in the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) in “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design” is defined by an upper limit of thirty-five (35) postgraduate students.

The Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) in “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design”, by a decision of the Assembly of the School of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, upon recommendation from the Steering Committee (SC) of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP), announces positions through an open procedure. In particular, the announcement includes the admission requirements, the number of entrants, the categories of candidates, the admission process, the selection criteria, etc., as well as the application deadlines and required documents.

The admission announcement for postgraduate students is published on the website of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) and on the website of the School of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Applications, along with the required documents, can be submitted to the Secretariat of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) either in printed form or electronically.

The required documents that candidates must submit include:

  • application form (provided by the PSP),
  • one (1) recent color photograph,
  • photocopy of ID card (or passport for international applicants),
  • copy of diploma or degree or a certificate from their Department’s Registrar indicating expected graduation by the start date of the courses,
  • transcript of records,
  • detailed curriculum vitae (CV),
  • certificate of at least B2 level in the English language, accepted by ASEP (Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection),
  • two (2) recent recommendation letters from individuals with academic or significant research and professional capacity,
  • portfolio or summary of work,
  • statement of intent (maximum 600 words).

In addition to the aforementioned documents, candidates may also submit the following, if available:

  • copies of additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate degrees,
  • documents demonstrating research and/or writing activities,
  • documents verifying professional experience,
  • certificates of other foreign languages.

All documents should be submitted either as exact copies or as simple photocopies.

Foreign candidates must provide either a certificate of Greek language or a certificate of at least B2 level as a prerequisite for admission to the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP).

The assessment of candidates occurs in two phases:

a. The first phase is preliminary (with a maximum total score of 100 points). The assessment criteria and corresponding weighting coefficients are as follows:

  • overall grade of the undergraduate diploma or degree (maximum 20 points): The grade is based on five (5) years of undergraduate studies. The scoring is calculated by multiplying the grade by a coefficient of 2. The scoring for candidates with fewer than five (5) years of undergraduate studies is adjusted proportionally based on the number of years completed.
  • relevance of undergraduate studies to the objective of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) (maximum 10 points): The relevance refers to relevant courses, research thesis, design thesis, and undergraduate thesis (qualitative criteria).
  • additional academic qualifications (maximum 6 points): Additional undergraduate degrees = 1-3 points, postgraduate degrees = 4-6 points (depending on relevance),
  • research and writing activity (maximum 12 points): Certificates from seminars, conferences, workshops, research programs, etc. = 1-4 points, scientific publications or announcements = 1-8 points,
  • relevant professional experience (maximum 12 points): Up to 12 months = 1 point, one (1) to three (3) years = 4 points, three (3) to five (5) years = 8 points, five (5) years and more = 12 points,
  • English language level (maximum 5 points): C2 level = 5 points, C1 level = 4 points, B2 level = 3 points,
  • additional foreign language (maximum 4 points): C2 level = 4 points, C1 level = 3 points, B2 level = 2 points, B1 level = 1 point,
  • two (2) recommendation letters (maximum 6 points): Each recommendation letter = 1-3 points,
  • portfolio or summary of work (maximum 15 points),
  • statement of intent (maximum 10 points).

b. The second phase includes an interview of candidates who have been selected in the first phase of assessment (on a scale from 0 to 100 points). The assessment criteria are:

  • motivation and interest in the objective of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP),
  • adequacy and preparedness,
  • prospects for successful participation and completion of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP),
  • potential for distinction during the studies.

The selection process of candidates is carried out by conducted Trilateral Selection and Examination Committees, established by the Assembly of the School of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, upon recommendation from the Steering Committee (SC) of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP), composed of teaching staff of the PSP.

The grading in the first phase is weighted with a coefficient of 0.7 (70%), while the grading in the second phase is weighted with a coefficient of 0.3 (30%). The combined score from the two phases determines the candidates who are deemed suitable for enrollment in the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP). After completion of the process (evaluation based on document assessment and interview), a final list of successful candidates is compiled.

In the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) in “Environmental Architectural and Urban Design”, tuition fees are set at two thousand nine hundred euros (€2,900) for each academic cycle. Payment of tuition fees is made to the Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, at the beginning of each semester (€900 in the first semester, €1,000 in the second semester, and €1,000 in the third semester).

The right to receive free tuition based on financial or social criteria is granted to postgraduate students who meet the excellence criterion during the first cycle of studies, equivalent to a grade of at least seven and a half out of ten (7.5/10). The specific terms and conditions for the right to free tuition in Postgraduate Studies Programs (PSPs) are described in the current legislation, as well as in the decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs. Exempted students should not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students admitted to the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) and should apply to participation in only one (1) PSP. If the eligible students exceed the above percentage, they are selected by ranking, starting with those who have the lowest income.

The application for exemption from tuition fees is submitted by the interested party to the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) after the completion of the student selection process for the PSP. The possibility of exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees is provided exclusively for enrollment in one (1) PSP organized by domestic Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The necessary procedures for submitting an application and successfully completing the process to be granted the right to free tuition will be announced by the Secretariat of the Postgraduate Studies Program (PSP) based on the current legislation at the start of the academic cycle.


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