Lab Equipment

1. Laboratory exercise room A, 2nd floor Biology building, 216 & 216A
Equipment: UV spectrophotometers (2), Analytical balances (2), Water baths (4), pH meter (2).

2. Graduate students’ practice room, 2nd floor Biology building, 208
Equipment: Computer islands (5), HPLC-UV (2), Analytical balances (2), Deionized water preparation device (1), Air conditioning

3. Laboratory exercise room B, 2nd floor Biology building, 214
Equipment: Dissolution rate control device (2), disintegration control device (1), friability control (2), calipers (3), industrial-type tableting machine (1), organology for semi-automatic filling of hard capsules (2), super-freezer (1) , UV spectrophotometer (1), Organology of mechanical strength of tablets (1), Centrifuge (1), planetary wet grinding ball mill (1), Deionized water production device (1)

4. Microbiological control room, 212A
Equipment: Horizontal directional flow chamber (1), Vertical directional flow chamber (1), Inverted phase microscope (1), CO2 anaerobic incubator setup (1),

5. Surface measurement room 211A
Equipment: Extractor (1), Organology of freeze-drying (1), Low and high pressure flow meter (2), Dynamic moisture sorption device (1), Nitrogen sorption and desorption device (1)

6. Powder Lab Room, 2nd Floor Biology Building, 205
Equipment: Computer Islands (7), Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR) Organology (1), HPLC-UV Organology (1), X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) Organology, 3d Printer Organology (2), Vacuum Furnace Organology (1) , Organization of freeze-drying (1), Deionized water column (1), Homogenizer (1), Stirring devices (stator and rotor) (2), Magnetic stirrers (10), Organization of microelasticity (1), Dissolution rate control device ( 1), Air conditioning

7. Physicochemical measurement room, 2nd floor Biology building, 211
Equipment: Organology (DSC) differential scanning calorimetry (2), Organology (TGA) thermostatic analysis (1), Sonicator (1)

8. Laboratory of Physical Measurements, 2nd floor Biology building, 215 & 215A
Equipment: 3D printer (7), Nanosizer (1), Organology electrospinning (1), Hypothesis dissolution rate control (1), HPLC-UV (1), Microscopes (2) , Hot Melt Extruder (2), Stirrers (5), Rheometer (1), Franz Cell Array (4), PC Islands (4),

9. Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2nd floor Biology building, 201
Equipment: HPLC liquid chromatography setups (3), ESI/Q LC-MS electrospray mass analyzer (1), HPLC-FLR (1), HPLC-ELSD (1), Extractor (1), pH meter (1), Centrifuge setup (1), Furnace (1), Ultrasonication (1), Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) (2).

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