Participants and Admission

Application Submission Process

The application for enrollment in the MSc Pharmaceutical Technology is done by electronically submitting the Application for Candidacy to the MSc Secretariat (, with a copy sent to the Department Secretariat (cc) at, along with the required supporting documents in a compressed file (.zip) as applicable.

Instructions for completing the Application for Candidacy, as well as the necessary documentation, can be found in the “Useful Files” section on the MSc website by following the path: About the MSc > Useful Files > Admission Files.

Applications for candidacy are submitted on dates announced in the Announcement of the Programme.

Program Announcement

The program announcement and participation requirements are published online on the websites of the Department of Pharmacy ( and the MSc in Pharmaceutical Technology ( during the months of July through early September.


The number of admitted students per academic year is determined (according to the regulations of the MSc) to a maximum of fourteen (14). The final participants are selected following an evaluation of their applications and an interview conducted by the Program’s Coordinating Committee.

Participation Requirements

Enrollment in the MSc Pharmaceutical Technology is contingent upon the timely submission of applications and accompanying supporting documents by interested parties, in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the announcement for each academic year.

Eligible candidate categories for participation in the MSc Pharmaceutical Technology include graduates holding first-cycle degrees from domestic and foreign Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), specifically graduates of Departments: Pharmacy, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Food Technology, and related Departments of domestic HEIs, as well as graduates of recognized equivalent foreign Institutions.

Candidate Selection Procedure

The selection process of candidates is carried out by a competent Three-Member Selection and Examination Committee consisting of members of the Coordinating Committee.

The Committee compiles a complete list of all candidates and then, after the relevant verification, rejects those who do not meet the minimum criteria set by the respective Department and invites for an interview the eligible candidates who have met the prerequisites.

Specifically, the scoring of candidates for admission to the MSc includes:

  1. Degree grade (25%)
  2. Research activity relevant to the MSc (5%)
  3. Professional experience related to the MSc (10%)
  4. Possession of a second degree (10%)
  5. Possession of another postgraduate title (5%)
  6. Performance in a thesis relevant to the MSc (5%)
  7. The grade (on a scale of 0-10) of the oral interview (20%)
  8. Certified or exam-based knowledge of the English language (15%)
  9. Certified knowledge of other foreign languages (5%)

Upon completion of the evaluation process based on the application file and the interview, the final list of successful candidates is compiled.

The top-ranked candidates up to the completion of the predetermined number of admissions per year are considered successful and are confirmed by the Program Studies Committee (PSC), with the limitation that in case of a tie for the last position, all candidates with equal scores are accepted, and beyond this number.

The final list of successful candidates, once validated by the Coordinating Committee (CC), is posted on the MSc and Department websites.

Successful postgraduate candidates must register with the MSc Secretariat within three (3) working days of the decision of the PSC. If a candidate fails to register within the specified deadline, it is considered a rejection of the position, and the candidate ranked next in line, 1st, 2nd, etc., is called upon by the MSc Secretariat to register, until the maximum number of admissions per year is reached, based on the relevant announcement.

If there are multiple candidates with the same total score, then their overall research activity and knowledge of the following fundamental undergraduate courses are taken into account for their final ranking: I) Pharmaceutical Physics, II) Pharmaceutical Technology II, III) Biopharmaceutics, IV) Cosmetics.

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