Quality Policy of the School for the Master Programmes

     The Department of Pharmacy, AUTh, considers continuous and substantive evaluation of the existing postgraduate programs necessary based on consistently established criteria (e.g., statistical data from EThAAE, OPESP, MODIP AUTh) for the continuous upgrading and improvement of the MSc programs. For this reason, it adopts, develops, and implements criteria, procedures, and quality objectives in the following areas of postgraduate study programs it supervises:

  • Structure and Organization of Study Programs (MSc)
  • Instructors and Teaching Work
  • Acquired Skills
  • Technical Infrastructure
  • Services
  • Connection to the Job Market
  • Self-assessment
  • Internal Evaluation of MODIP

     To achieve these objectives, the Coordinating Committees (CCs) of the Department’s MSc programs in close collaboration with the Department’s secretariat and the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of AUTh, which is responsible for monitoring and controlling the quality operation of the institution at all levels, collect quantitative data regarding the progress and evolution of MSc students, instructors, and other scientific and research staff, the implementation of study programs, research output, assessment of the educational process, and the achievement of MSc goals, as well as any other issue relevant to the operation and targeting of the department’s postgraduate programs.

     MODIP provides the annual Internal Evaluation Report of the MSc programs, while concurrently the Directors/CCs/EPS process the data contained in the annual census reports, prepare the Self-Assessment Report, prepare the External Evaluation process, and submit, in collaboration with the Department’s secretariat, both to EThAAE (via the platform https://qdata.ethaae.gr/) and to MODIP (https://qa.auth.gr/), the census data related to the operation of the Postgraduate Study Programs, the department’s infrastructure, research work, as well as the problems that arise. The main conclusions of the evaluation are posted on the department’s postgraduate programs website and presented at the Assembly/EPS, where any corrective interventions and improvement actions are decided.

     To implement the above policy, the Department’s MSc programs follow specific quality strategic objectives and processes (actions and measures) that align with those of the Department of Pharmacy and are part of the AUTH’s strategy, which are as follows:

A. High quality of provided MSc education, including:

  • Evaluation and continuous modernization of study programs
  • Identification of weaknesses and systematic improvement of the educational process
  • Qualitative adequacy of teaching staff and tools used in the educational process
  • Provision of appropriate knowledge and technical skills to assist graduates in their professional careers

B. Improvement of MSc students’ performance

C. Integration of research with the education of postgraduate students

D. Strengthening the international profile of the Department’s MSc programs

E. Improvement of the learning environment and daily operation, with simultaneous fully updated and reliable information.

     A detailed description of the main processes and means for implementing and monitoring the application of quality assurance processes are reflected on the MODIP website of AUTH (https://qa.auth.gr/el/home).

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