Tuition Fees and Support to the Students’ Mobility

The MSc provides for tuition fees of 2000 euros for each cycle of study. Postgraduate students are required to pay these fees in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations for Postgraduate Studies. The payment is made in two equal instalments: the first during the initial enrolment in the MSc, and the second before the beginning of the second semester. The payment of the tuition fees is made to the Special Account for Research Funds of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Failure to pay the financial obligations constitutes sufficient reason for not awarding the Diploma or for withdrawal from the MSc.

Postgraduate students may study free of charge if they meet financial or social criteria. A prerequisite for the granting of the right is the possession of a first cycle degree or diploma corresponding to a grade equal to or higher than seven and a half (7,5/10). The total number of beneficiaries may not exceed the number corresponding to thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students enrolled per year. If the number of beneficiaries exceeds the above percentage, they shall be selected in rank order starting with those with the lowest income. The application for exemption of tuition fees is submitted by the person concerned to the Department after the completion of the selection process of students in the P.M.S. The Regulations for Postgraduate Studies specify the procedures necessary for successful completion for the granting of the right to free tuition.

A student of the MSc who fulfils the following criteria is entitled to free tuition:

a) The average of the sum of the taxable incomes of the last two (2) financial years of all family members of the applicant for exemption from tuition fees, i.e. the applicant, his/her parents, regardless of whether they file a joint or separate tax return, and his/her siblings up to twenty-six (26) years of age, if they are unmarried and have the same taxable income within the meaning of Article 7 of Law No. 4172/2013 (A’ 167), does not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the national median disposable equivalent income, according to the most recently published data of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.), if the applicant has not reached the twenty-sixth (26th) year of age and is unmarried or has not entered into a cohabitation agreement.

b) The average of the applicant’s personal taxable income of the last two (2) financial years does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the national median disposable income equivalent, according to the most recently published data of the National Statistical Office, if the applicant has reached the age of 26.

c) The average of the sum of the taxable income of the last two (2) financial years of the applicant for exemption from tuition fees and his or her spouse or partner, if married or in a civil partnership, regardless of whether they submit a joint or separate tax return, does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the national median disposable income equivalent, according to the most recently published data of EL.STAT. If the applicant for exemption has not reached the age of 26 and is a child of a family with three or more children or a child of an unmarried parent or an orphan of at least one (1) parent or a person with a disability or a member of a household with a person with a disability, he/she may apply for a half (50%) exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees, provided that the average in paragraph a) of par. 4 exceeds seventy percent (70%) and does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the national median disposable equivalent income.

The examination of the criteria for exemption from tuition fees shall be carried out by the Departmental Assembly and a reasoned decision shall be issued on the acceptance or rejection of the application. The possibility of exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees is granted exclusively for the study of one (1) MSc organised by a domestic higher education institution. This does not apply to citizens of third party countries.

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