ODLEP project aims to boost the distance educational programs in Greece, Romania, Italy and Serbia. More specifically ODLEP aims at:
- Creating an innovative and effective framework for selecting the most suitable instructor for a given group of students for a competent and successful online distance learning program
- Recording the context of distance learning with a focus on partners’ countries and all the required characteristics for selecting the most suitable instructor/educator for every online class/course
- Establishing a theoretical framework and a procedure for assessing and scoring all aspects of the instructors’ profile
- Evaluating desired characteristics for each candidate instructor
- Based on the synthesis of the course/class students, the proposed framework will facilitate the ranking of available instructors, based on multicriteria analysis, in order to select the optimum one
- Delivering an online platform that will put into practice the ODLEP’s methodological approach for facilitating an effective and successful procedure of selecting instructors/educators
- Recording the students’ experience, satisfaction and responses and discussing the results with an emphasis on identifying the best practices
- Identifying approaches to improve the instructors’ performance.
- Proposing policy recommendations related to the assignment of the proper instructor to a given class