Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS) – is medium size, comprehensive university located in Sibiu, Romania, celebrating recently 50 years of existence. LBUS has 14.500 students and nine faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Letters and Arts, Faculty of Theology and Faculty of Socio – Human Sciences; we offered 60 bachelor programmes and 40 Master programmes, and phD studies in 15 domains
Currently, the educational offer of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu consists of diverse, study programs, and the university’s open-mindedness toward novelty and study programs required by the labor market are appreciated and demanded by our applicants, students and graduates.
The key objective of the University in Sibiu is to carry out a competitive educational process, meeting the standards of the EU, which grants LBUS graduates international academic and professional recognition. The university promotes unique specializations in the Romanian academic environment, and the high trust degree recommends the LBUS as being a powerful institution, involved in improving the quality of the higher educational process.
LBUS has established academic links and partnership agreements with eighty-five universities in thirty-five countries. A special place is held by the partnerships drawn with American, German, French and English universities, which materialized in student exchange programmes, fact-finding data trips for academics as well as a precious cooperation which has kept the University tuned in to what happens in the world. The new ties with Chinese, Russian, Italian, Greek and Polish Universities are also worth mentioning.
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu has always been a centre for knowledge dissemination, enlightenment and shaping consciences. LBUS is aware that belongs to an elite community and, ever since its foundation it has always prophesied and practiced its major guiding principles: liberal thinking, independence, autonomy, acting as a creative force and a source of culture.
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS) organizes Distance Learning Education and Reduced Frequency Learning Education through the IDIFR Department, which offers 15 study programs (11 Distance Learning study programs – bachelor, 1 Reduced Frequency Learning study program – bachelor and 3 Reduced Frequency Learning study programs – master ), the fields being of real interest to the community, respectively: business administration, management, finance, accounting, marketing, agriculture, food engineering, law, administrative sciences, educational sciences, engineering and management, mining-oil and gas. Those who want professional initiation in a certain field can opt for a 3-year / 4-year DL/RFL license program. Those who wish to develop and/or improve in a field can apply for a 2-year / 1-year RFL master’s program. The recognition of the professional education acquired by passing the license or dissertation exam is the same as the form of full-time education, accumulated by completing the same subjects, with the same types of assessments, with the same teaching staff.

Dan Miricescu is currently a professor at “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania, and
Engineering and Management Domain Team Manager, inside of Industrial Engineering and Management Department from “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. From December 2022, he is also responsible for Distance Learning Education and Reduced Frequency Education Programs in the Engineering Faculty from LBUS. He has a PhD (2007) in Management from “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. His research interest is in Leadership, General and Strategic Management, Sales Techniques, Management of Logistics Activities, and Entrepreneurship. He has published over 50 scientific research papers and 12 books. He has a good experience in project working: 6 as manager or coordinator, 14 as a member in the research team. The major themes of the projects were: entrepreneurship, strategic management, logistics, and education management. He is coordinator of dissertation thesis and bachelor degrees. Professor Dan Miricescu participated in Erasmus mobility’s in activities at universities in San Sebastian (Spain), Missoula-Montana (USA), La Laguna (Spain), on topics related to leadership, general and strategic management.
He is member in the scientific committees at national and international conferences, member of Association of Managers and Economic Engineers in Romania – AMIER, member of Romanian Management Academic Society– SAMRO, member of Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Romanian People Culture – ASTRA.

Claudiu Vasile Kifor is currently a professor at “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania, and also director of the Research center in sustainable products and processes. He has a PhD (2000) in industrial engineering and M.Sc. (1994) in mechanical engineering from “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. Over the period 2012-2020, he was vice-rector in charge of research and doctoral activity, and during the period 2004-2012 he was Head of the Research & Development (R&D) Department of LBUS. His research interests are in scientific research management, quality engineering and management. Professor Kifor has published over 70 scientific research papers and 11 books, and was invited by such universities as Aalborg University (for the programme Master of Problem Based Learning in Engineering and Science), Ling Tung University, Taiwan, Rennes University, France, Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, for lectures on quality engineering, education management and scientific methods in engineering He served as editor of Knowledge science engineering and management conference proceedings (2014 edition), associate editor of International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education, Australia and over 30 international conferences. Professor Kifor has coordinated more than 20 international and national research projects in various fields: quality improvement, process management and sustainable development of products and processes.

Dănuţ Dumitru Dumitraşcu is currently a professor at “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania, and also is currently manager of Industrial Engineering and Management Department from Engineering Faculty of “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. He has a PhD (2003) in Management from “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. His research interest is in Project Management, Operational Management, Development of a business, Small and Medium Business and Social Entrepreneurship. As a scientific researcher he wrote 33 books and published over 165 scientific papers (alone or with a team). He has a great experience in project working – 40 projects, from which 12 as a project manager. The themes were: management, environmental management, social entrepreneurship marketing, and professional training. He also participated in the research team of other 36 contracts. He is PhD thesis coordinator in the field of management, coordinator of dissertation thesis and bachelor degrees. He is trainer in project management, structural funds, company administration. Professor Dumitraşcu is member in the scientific committees at national and international conferences, member of Association of Managers, and Economic Engineers in Romania – AMIER, General Association of Engineers from Romania – AGIR, General Secretary of Romanian Management Academic Society – SAMRO.