The University of Niš (UNI) was founded in 1965 as a state owned, HE institution. It is a medium-sized, mature and well-developed academic community, comprising 14 faculties: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Physical Culture, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Technology and Faculty of Education. The fourteenth – Faculty of Agriculture has recently been founded and it enrolled the first generation of students in the academic year 2018/2019. Most of those faculties have composite structure, i.e. various departments, divisions or majors, offering wide and diversified study and research opportunities at both undergraduate and graduate levels, including opportunities to obtain a PhD degree. From the University foundation until the academic year 2020/2021, 75.494 students have graduated from the University of Niš, 1.383 of them being foreign citizens, while 7.429 postgraduates acquired their magister degrees and 2.653 candidates, including 73 foreigners, defended their doctoral dissertations.
UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ MISSION: integration into the European higher education area in accordance with the highest quality standards of education, research and professional work.
UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ VISION: a modern and recognizable Serbian and European university that is comparable to foreign higher education institutions of the highest rank in terms of quality of study programs, teaching activities, research and professional work.
University of Niš was accredited on January 31st 2009 for the first time, within the third cycle of accreditation of higher education institutions in Serbia, together with the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad. Five years later, another accreditation procedure was carried out, and the University of Niš received the Accreditation Decision on November 14th 2014.
In conformity with the Law on Higher Education and by the decisions of the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Republic of Serbia, all the faculties of the University of Niš have been accredited.
UNI has significant experience in international programs such as Tempus, Erasmus, FP6 and FP7. Within the EM ECW program, the University of Niš entered the exchange of students and teaching staff in 2008 as a partner in the Project BASILEUS. In 2011, UNI became a consortium member of the Project EM2STEM. University of Niš also became partner of other Erasmus Mundus programmes, such as SIGMA, ERAWEB, EUROWEB, GREEN-TECH. Currently, the University is involved in the following programs: ERASMUS+, IPA, CEEPUS and HORIZON 2020.

Žarko Popović is a full professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš. His research specialties are Applied Mathematics, Automata Theory, Lattice Theory, Quantitative Methods, Optimization Theory, Multi-criteria Decision Making. He is an author of more than 80 scientific papers. He has vast project experience such as participation in TEMPUS project: Master Programme in Applied Statistics, participation in the Republic Science Foundation of Serbia Grants: Algebraic and combinatorial methods in information and communication technologies, Algebraic structures and methods of information processing,
Development of methods of calculation and information processing: theory and application, participation in several multinational projects:
Twinning for Excellence in Smart and Resilient Urban Development: Advanced Data Analytics Approach, Advanced Data Analytics in Bussines – ADA etc.

Ivana Marjanović is a PhD candidate and a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Economics, University of Nis. Her field of scientific interest is the application of quantitative methods in economics, with the main focus on the application of operational research and decision theory methods and models. She has noteworthy experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative research in the area of urban studies and sustainable development.

Jelena J. Stanković, Ph.D. is a full professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia, in the scientific field of Mathematics and Statistics in Economics. Her field of scientific interest is in quantitative economic analysis, especially multi-criteria decision making, and the main focus is the research of local economic development issues, urban labour market analysis, and smart, sustainable, and resilient development of urban areas. She is an active member of the Committee for Economic Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts (SASA). She is engaged as a researcher on several projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, as well as on international projects (Horizon, Erasmus+…), with strong competencies in project management. Currently, she is a UNI team coordinator in the ongoing Erasmus+ project Advanced Data Analytics in business and PI of Horizon 2021-2027 project Twinning for excellence in Smart and Resilient Urban Development: Advanced Data Analytics Approach – UR-DATA.

Milica Jovanović Vujatović is a Junior Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia and a PhD student at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia. She was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia at all levels of study. Her areas of interest are based on the following: business performance management, competitiveness, intangible asset valuation, intangible asset management, and brand management. She has published over 40 articles, and one monograph, and has participated in a number of conferences. She is a member of the Society of Economists “Ekonomika” and Serbian Marketing Association “SeMA”.

Sandra Milanović is a junior teaching assistant of the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, research assistant at the Innovation Center, University of Niš and a PhD student at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš. She has significant teaching and project experience. Currently she is involved in the Horizon Europe project, UR-DATA.
She is the author of more than 60 scientific papers published in domestic and international journals and presented at conferences. Key area of her interest is a business management and human resource management.

Marina Stanojević
is currently employed as an associate for scientific research and publishing at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia, and is PhD student at the same Faculty. She is engaged as
technical editor of scientific journal Economic Themes, scientific monographs and conference proceedings.
She also has teaching experience as teaching associate in the area of Business management and Business statistics.
Marina is one of founders and coordinator of International Summer School of Economics at Faculty of Economics in Niš and member of organizing and programme committees of significant number of conferences. She is an author of numerous articles published in journals, conference proceedings, monographs, etc. Until now, she has been a member of project teams in national and international projects (Bulgaria-Serbia IPA Cross Border Programme; Lifelong Learning GRUNTVIG Programme; projects financed by City of Nis etc).

Vesna Janković-Milić is a full professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš (Serbia), for the scientific field Mathematics and Statistics in Economics.
Her research is focused on quantitative analysis in economics and the main focus is on application of statistical methods and models in the analysis of economic development issues, labour market research and statistical quality control.
She is engaged as a researcher on several projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as on international projects.