Programme regulations

In the context of the operation of the Postgraduate Program in Operative Dentistry, the Regulation for the operation of the Academic Advisor institution has been adopted and is applied.


Academic Advisors are members of the teaching staff who provide specialized information to students and graduates of the Dental School regarding postgraduate studies and professional prospects.

The Postgraduate Program’s regulation specifies the rotation assignment of study Academic Advisors to professors and regulates specific related issues. The role of the Academic Advisor can be assumed by any lecturer, faculty member, researcher, or specialized scientific associate (ELP) of the Postgraduate Program, regardless of rank or position. Academic Advisors monitor their assigned students from the beginning to the end of their studies.

The institution is mandatory, considering that it significantly contributes to the success of postgraduate studies. Information provided by the Academic Advisor to the student is conducted through pre-scheduled appointments between the Academic Advisor and the student.

Depending on the number of postgraduate students, the Coordinating Committee may assign the role of Academic Advisor to individuals outside the Faculty Members, researchers, or specialized functional scientists (ELP), to members of the Academic Staff, Teaching staff, and Research staff (AR), Emeritus or retired Faculty members (as long as they are instructors of the Postgraduate Program).

The distribution of students among Academic Advisors is determined by the decision of the Coordinating Committee. An Academic Advisor may oversee more than one student.

When the Academic Advisor contacts the student, they should record the student’s details and any other information considered important for the student (e.g., learning problems that need examination in a different way, mobility issues for recommending easily accessible facilities for the student, etc.).

Each student’s file is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation and is confidential.

The role of the Academic Advisor is advisory, supporting students in their study programs, guiding them to achieve their goals. Students should discuss with the Academic Advisor any academic issues that concern them, such as problems with courses, labs, internships, issues related to the study regulations, course selection, and even personal difficulties (family problems, health issues) that may affect their studies.

The Academic Advisor of a student remains the same until the completion of their studies. The replacement of the Academic Advisor is possible in case of very serious reasons, upon the recommendation of the Coordinating Committee.


For recording complaints, the student completes the “Complaint Submission Form,” in which they concisely, clearly, and objectively describe the problem or complaint. The form is submitted electronically to the Academic Advisor’s email with simultaneous notification to the Postgraduate Program’s Secretariat’s email to receive a protocol number.

In cases where the complaint or objection concerns the Academic Advisor (e.g., complaints or serious personal reasons for which the student wishes to change the Academic Advisor), the submission of the complaint form is sent to the School’s Secretariat’s email, with the Coordinating Committee of the Postgraduate Program as the recipient.

For complaints to be accepted:

– They must be anonymous
– They must be described clearly and succinctly
– They must not contain offensive content
– They must be submitted within thirty (30) days from the date of the incident that caused the complaint.

Also, the student’s anonymity from the Academic Advisor can be maintained if explicitly stated in the “Complaint Submission Form” (at the end of the description of the problem or complaint) and only if the investigation of the report is possible without disclosing the applicant’s personal information.

After examining the student’s complaint, along with any supplementary material, the Academic Advisor takes appropriate actions.

Within a reasonable time frame, the student is duly informed about the actions taken and the overall handling since the form submission, as well as the proposed solution.