e-Study Guide

Curriculum Guide

The MSc program in “Operative Dentistry” is structured over 6 semesters.

The credit units (CU, ECTS) allocated to each course of the MSc program are determined by Ministerial Decision 210817/Z1 (Government Gazette 3602/B/2014) and described in Article 6 of the current Regulation. A full academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), and a full semester to 30 ECTS (1 ECTS = 25-30 hours) [Harmonization with Greek Legislation, Ministerial Decision F5/89656/B3 (Government Gazette 1466/2007/B), Articles 1-3, in accordance with the European system]. Each course is assigned a specific number of required ECTS (≥ 2), reflecting the workload required by the student to complete the course, including lectures, laboratories, tutorials, clinical and practical exercises, etc.

The program includes:

A) General Courses: Attendance in these courses, covering basic sciences, is mandatory for all M.D. students in the MSc program. They are taught in the 1st and 2nd semester, and students must complete at least 10 CUs. If, for any reason, their teaching cannot take place during the first two semesters, the Director of the MSc program may decide to conduct them in any of the remaining 6 semesters.

B) Specialized Courses: Attendance in Specialized Courses is mandatory for M.D. students in Operative Dentistry. Students must complete a minimum of 120 CUs (ECTS).

C) Laboratory and Clinical Exercise Courses: M.D. students are required to attend all courses (clinical seminars, literature reviews, clinical, preclinical, and practical exercises) included in the Detailed Program of each semester. CUs corresponding to Laboratory and Clinical Exercise courses are included in the Specialized Courses. The completion of clinical and laboratory exercises follows the guidelines of Ministerial Decision No. 210817/Z1 (Government Gazette 3602/B/2014) and the current Internal Operating Regulation of the MSc program.

D) Additionally, to obtain the Master of Science in Operative Dentistry, the completion of the Master’s Degree Thesis (M.D.E.) and its submission for publication in a scientific journal are required, accounting for an additional 30 CUs.

In the 1st semester, 8 compulsory courses are taught, totaling 30 teaching units.

In the 2nd semester, 8 compulsory courses are taught, totaling 30 teaching units. In the 3rd semester, 7 compulsory courses are taught, totaling 30 teaching units. In the 4th semester, 6 compulsory courses are taught, totaling 30 teaching units. In the 5th semester, 6 compulsory courses are taught, totaling 30 teaching units. In the 6th semester, 6 compulsory courses are taught, totaling 30 teaching units.

In the 6th semester, a postgraduate thesis is prepared.

The official language of the program is Greek, and the language of the postgraduate thesis can be either Greek or English. The curriculum of the MSc program in “Operative Dentistry” includes the following: Additionally, to obtain the Master of Science in Operative Dentistry, the completion of the Master’s Degree Thesis (M.D.E.) and its submission for publication in a scientific journal are required.