Participants and Admission

The number of admitted students per year is set at a maximum of 10 postgraduate students. The Postgraduate Program cannot operate with fewer than 1 postgraduate student.

The announcement for the submission of applications can take place during the year, on dates determined by the S.T. (Supervisory Team). The Department announces positions through an open procedure (invitation to express interest) for the admission of graduates to the “Postgraduate Program in Operative Dentistry.”

The invitation specifies the admission requirements, categories of graduates, the number of admissions, the admission procedure, selection criteria, application deadlines, and the required documentation. Candidates submit their applications as determined by the S.T. Applications, along with the necessary documents, are submitted to the Secretariat of the Dental Department in both printed and electronic form.

Applications must include:

– Dental Degree (for international candidates, recognition of equivalence from the D.O.A.T.A.P. is required for their degree, or they must submit the documents described in Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Regulation).

– Detailed grade transcript.

– Detailed curriculum vitae.

– Proof of clinical dental experience in general dentistry of at least one year duration after obtaining the degree. Clinical experience must be demonstrated: (a) by a license to operate a dental clinic and service provision documents, or (b) by a certificate of service in the position of dentist in the armed forces or another service, or in a private dental clinic.

– Evidence of any professional (clinical), educational, research, or other scientific activities described in the curriculum vitae.

– Evidence of excellent knowledge of the English language at level C2 according to the certificates specified by the announcements of A.S.E.P. for the year of the announcement (Indicatively, some are mentioned in Annex II), acquired before submitting the candidacy application.

– The selection of international candidates requires certified knowledge of the Greek language at level B2 at the latest by the beginning of the second semester. If a certificate is not provided in advance, candidates declare that, immediately after their selection at the latest, they are obliged to start attending the summer course of the School of Modern Greek of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for this purpose.

– For candidates who are graduates of universities outside of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), three recommendation letters are required, one from the Dean of the School or the President of the Department, and two from professors of the Dental Department from which they graduated, one of whom must be relevant to the subject of Oral Surgery.

– The examination and scoring of applications, the conduct of interviews or examinations (theoretical and/or practical, if deemed necessary) of candidates, and the submission of a proposal to the Selection Committee for the selection of individuals to be enrolled in the Postgraduate Program in Oral Surgery are carried out by the Admissions Selection Committee of the “Postgraduate Program in Operative Dentistry.

The selection criteria for admitted students include the following:

1. Overall undergraduate GPA:** Evaluated at a rate of 15%.

2. Grade point average of undergraduate courses in Operative Dentistry: Evaluated at a rate of 10%.

3. Other elements of the candidate’s curriculum vitae:
– Experience in dental practice after obtaining the degree
– Ranking among the top three graduates
– Certified knowledge of IT, other foreign languages, and attendance of scientific conferences
– Clinical experience in dentistry after graduation

Evaluated at a rate of 8%.

4. Existence of other postgraduate studies or titles: Evaluated at a rate of 22%.

5. Previous research and scientific activity of the candidate: Evaluated at a rate of 15%.

6. The overall personality and scientific background of the candidate as revealed in the interview with the three-member Admissions Selection Committee of the Postgraduate Program: Evaluated at a rate of 30%.

The selection of candidates for the program is based on the evaluation of the following criteria outlined in the table below.

A candidacy is deemed successful only if it achieves at least 50% of the maximum possible success score. In case of a tie, the candidate with the highest undergraduate GPA is selected. The final list of successful and, if applicable, reserve candidates, once approved by the Academic Senate, is posted on the department’s notice board and website.

The selection process for candidates, as decided by the Department’s Assembly or the Postgraduate Studies Committee, is carried out by a competent three-member Selection and Examination Committee composed of faculty members engaged in postgraduate work.

The Committee compiles a comprehensive list of all candidates, and after thorough verification, rejects those who do not meet the minimum criteria set by the Department. It then invites for an interview, where applicable, the eligible candidates who have met the prerequisites. After the completion of the process, whether it involves a written examination or evaluation based on documentation and interviews, the final list of successful candidates is prepared.

Personal Interview

The personal interview is conducted by three faculty members appointed by the coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in “Operative Dentistry.” The interview covers theoretical and clinical aspects of Operative Dentistry, as well as literature specified and announced two months before the interview by the Operative Dentiatry department’s secretariat. The interview consists of 10 questions, each scored on a scale of 0-10.

In the event that admission positions remain unfilled, they are filled until the specified admission percentage is exhausted (according to the terms of the announcement), either by ranking successful candidates in descending order of total score, provided it is at least, for example, thirty (30) units, or by issuing a supplementary announcement for the vacant positions.

The final list of successful candidates and any reserve candidates, once approved by the Department’s Assembly or the Program Committee, is posted on the department’s notice board and website. Objections to the results can be submitted within five (5) working days of the announcement.

The enrollment of successful candidates takes place following a relevant announcement by the Postgraduate Program’s secretariat within 15 days, with the submission of any necessary supporting documents. If a candidate does not enroll within the specified deadline, it is considered a refusal of acceptance, and the position is filled by the next successful candidate.