Tuition Fees and Support to the Students’ Mobility

In the MSc program, tuition fees are specified at the amount of 16,500 euros for each study cycle, which postgraduate students are required to pay, according to the regulations of the Postgraduate Studies.

Students are obliged to renew their registration at the beginning of each semester and prepay the tuition fees corresponding to the semester to cover part of the costs of their education. The specific registration renewal form is signed by the Director of the MSc before being submitted to the Department’s Secretariat, accompanied by the proof of payment of the tuition fee.

Tuition fees are determined as follows:

(A) For Greek citizens or citizens of EU countries, the amount is 2,750 euros per semester of study.

(B) For citizens of non-EU countries, the amount is 5,500 euros per semester of study.

Tuition fees must be paid no later than the first week of the month in which the respective semester begins. The first installment is paid earlier, no later than 1 week after their acceptance into the ‘MSc in Operative Dentistry.’ If the corresponding installment of the tuition fee is not paid on time, then the student may be required to withdraw from the clinical and theoretical practice of the ‘MSc in Operative Dentistry.’

The payment of tuition fees is made to the Special Research Funds Account of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Incomplete payment of financial obligations constitutes sufficient reason for not awarding the Degree or deletion from the MSc.

The right to grant free tuition due to financial or social criteria is granted to postgraduate students who meet the criterion of excellence during the first cycle of studies, corresponding to at least a grade of seven and a half out of ten (7.5/10). The specific terms and conditions of the right to free tuition in MSc programs are described in the current legislation as well as in the decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs. Exempted students must not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students admitted to the MSc and apply to participation in only one MSc program. If the eligible students exceed the above percentage, they are selected in order of ranking starting from those with the lowest income. The application for exemption from tuition fees is submitted by the interested party to the Department after the completion of the student selection process in the MSc. The possibility of exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees is provided exclusively for enrollment in one (1) MSc program organized by Greek Universities. The necessary procedures for the successful completion for the granting of the right to free tuition are specified in the Postgraduate Studies Regulation.

Postgraduate students are required, at their own expense, to obtain special equipment necessary for their clinical and laboratory education (e.g., digital camera, personal laptop, dental tools, etc.). Relevant information is provided by the Secretariat of the ‘MSc in Operative Dentistry.’ Postgraduate students participate in undergraduate education according to their practice schedule in teaching experience acquisition courses. Specifically, students of the ‘MSc in Operative Dentistry’ participate in Theoretical, Clinical, and Laboratory Practice of Undergraduate Students according to the detailed program.”