Faculty Support & Selection Criteria

The selection criteria for the employment of the Program’s faculty members primarily include their expertise in the subject matter, their publications, and their international recognition in their field, adhering always to Greek Law (Ν. 4957, άρθρο 143). The Coordinating Committee of the  Postgraduate Program recommends, upon the proposal of the Chair and other faculty members, the invited external members and professors who will teach the elective courses. The Assembly of the School of Film makes the final decision and assigns the teaching responsibilities to all members of the MA faculty, following a discussion to ensure transparency and meritocracy in the selections. Each member of the MA teaching staff signs a contract with the Research Committee of AUTh based on the annual budget. The obligations of each faculty member include conducting course lectures, providing in-person or online contact regarding assignments or other program-related topics that students wish to discuss, evaluating (or re-evaluating in case of grades below the threshold) assignments, and sending them to the students when requested, as well as supervising postgraduate dissertations.

The Coordinating Committee of the MA program and the School of Film continuously support the faculty members of the MA program. With an eye to the future, over the past two years, Dr. Evdokia Stefanopoulou, who completed her PhD at the School with the highest distinction, as well as her postdoctoral research, has been incorporated into the staff. Her publications already include articles in peer-reviewed journals, while her first book was published by the prestigious Bloomsbury House in 2023.

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